Yoga Philosophy
need of yoga philosophy
Yoga Philosophy sessions are relevant for all those enthusiasts who are interested in taking their Yoga off the mat and merge in to the true nature of their divine self .. understanding the depth of yoga from the ancient yogic texts – Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Bhagavad Gita.
We will undertake an in depth understanding of yoga philosophy as presented in the traditional Yoga Sūtras of Sage Patañjali, Bhagavad Gita by Lord Krishna and Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swami Swatmarama.
A clear understanding of these classical yoga books will add quality & sheer joy to daily life through yoga that is not done but rather Happens OFF THE MAT.
yoga philosophy topics
Module 1 - Introduction To Yoga
Origin of Yoga and Yoga Philosophy.
Meaning of word Yoga. – Yoga word comes from Yuja, which means to connect. Yoga begins by connecting with self.
Need of discipline / regulation on the path of yoga – Discipline or regulation is the preliminary requirement to progress on the path of yoga.
Different definitions of yoga from various yoga literatures.
Patanjali and his yoga sutras – What is the meaning of sutra? Why Patanjali codified this ancient wisdom into sutras?
Goal of yoga – Stilling the modification of mind and reaching the stage of pure consciousness which full of peace and bliss.
Chitta – Understanding our inner layers of our personality which is formed by mind, intelligence and ego, Vrittis – modification of the mind – Klishta Vrittis and Aklishta Vrittis (Favorable and unfavorable impressions in the mind).
Module 2 - History Of Yoga
Challenge to find origin of Yoga – Due to the oral transmission of sacred texts and the secretive nature of the teachings the exact dates of the origins of yoga are difficult to verify.
Pre-Classical Yoga – 10,000 BC – 500 BC
Vedas & Upanishads – The first written copies of the Vedas were found around 7500 years ago but it is believed they were there orally for much longer – up to 10 000yrs or even more.
Classical Yoga by Patanjali – 500BC approximately.
Post-Classical Yoga (Hatha & Tantra) – 600 AD – 1500 AD .
Modern Times – 1890’s until Present
Understanding different Vedas other ancient eastern philosophical texts – Upanishads, Puranas, Dharma Shastras, Tantra, Pancha Ratras, Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagavad Gita.
Module 3 - Shad Darshanas, Three Modes, Kleshas
Shad Darshanas (Six Main Philosophies of East) – Mimamsa, Vaisheshika, Nyaya, Sankhya, Yoga, Vedanta
Understanding Sankhya Philosophy (Foundation of Yoga Philosophy) And Causes For Miseries – Purusha, Prkrati, Chita, Pancha Mahabhoota, Tan matras, Jnanendriyas, Karmendriyas.
Tri Gunas – Three modes of Material nature – Sattva guna – Mode of Goodness, Rajo guna – Mode of Passion, Tamo Guna – Mode of Ignorance.
Qualities and characteristics of different modes
How to increase Sattva guna – Platform to achieve real peace and happiness.
Kleshas (causes of pain and miseries) Avidhya, Asmita, Raga, Dvesha, Abhinivesha.
Module 4 - Favorable And Unfavorable Things On The Path Of Yoga
Right Place, Right kind of food
Blind faith vs. Reasonable faith in Yoga Philosophy.
Qualifications needed to become a disciple.
Aims and objectives of Studying Yoga Philosophy – Knowledge, Understanding, Personal application, Teaching application, Theological application, Academic and Moral Integrity, Shastra Chakshu, Responsibility of learning, Faith and Conviction.
Favorable Things for progressing on path of yoga –Enthusiasm, Perseverance, Discrimination, Patience, Determination, Avoiding unfavorable association.
Unfavorable Things for progressing on path of yoga – Goal and definition of Pranayama, Benefits of Pranayama, Important Pranayama and their benefits.
Obstacles on path of yoga – Vyadhi, Samshaya, Pramada, Avirati, Bhrantidarshana – hallucination; Delusion; Erroneous view, Alabdha bhoomikatva is state of non-attainment, Anavasthitattva.
Module 5 — Eight Limbs Of Raja Yoga Given In Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
Yamas – Non-violence, Realism, Non-stealing, Sexual non-expressiveness, Non-possessiveness.
Niyamas – Shaucha, Santosha, Tapas, Swaadhyaaya, Ishvara Pranidhana.
Asana – Goal of Asana – steady and comfortable posture, Difference between asana and exercise, Benefits of doing asana, Precautions while doing asana.
Pranayama – Goal and definition of Pranayama, Benefits of Pranayama, Important Pranayama and their benefits.
Pratyahaara – Importance of Pratyahaara and, How to practice it in day to day life.
Internal limbs – Three stages of meditation- Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi
Module 6 — Types Of Yoga.
Karma Yoga (Yoga Of Action) – Connecting with one’s own nature
Four Varnas (Occupation) and Four ashrams.
Yoga ladder – Going from Sakama Karma to Nishkama Karma.
What is Karma (Action), Vikarma (Bad Action) and Akarma (Action without reaction)? – Prarabdha (manifested karma), Aprarabdha (unmanifest karma), Kuta (Propensity to perform action), Bija (Seeds).
Hatha Yoga – What is the meaning of Hatha?, Understanding Ida, Pingala and Sushumna nadis (energy channels), Different aspects of Hatha yoga according to Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Asana, Pranayama, Mudra and Bandha.
Shatkarma or Shat kriya – Six Cleansing Techniques – Neti, Dhauti, Basti, Nauli, Kapal bhati, Trataka
Jnana Yoga (Yoga Of Knowledge) – Achieving perfection by analytical study and introspection.
Bhakti Yoga (Yoga Of Love) – Developing pure love for absolute. What is Bhakti – devotion?, Mixed Love vs. Pure Love, Nine processes of Bhakti, Nine Stages Of Bhakti.
Module 7 - Kundalini Yoga And Chakras
What is Kundalini?
How to awaken Kundalini?
Understanding different chakras – Mooladhara chakra, Swadhishthana chakra, Manipura chakra, Anhata Chakra, Vishuddhi chakra, Ajnana Chakra, Saharara Chakra.
Different asanas and pranayama recommended for opening different chakras.