When your intellect is clouded by emotions and you are unable to think clearly, you will need a life coach and more specifically a clarity coach, I can assist you to get your clarity back, so that you can walk on your path with full light and confidence. 

I have been a catalyst for change in people’s lives for complete growth by providing clarity for your personal self, profession and relationships by essential life skills along with spiritual perspective of yoga and mindfulness in Rishikesh.

Ask these questions to yourself....

Are you aware of your emotional needs?

Are you aware of your useless mental battles?

Do you communicate assertively and have a high level of self-worth?

Do you have mindfulness tools to deal with panic attacks and anxieties?

When you experience vulnerable emotions, do you process them in helpful ways?

Do you able to clear the emotional clouds and face the outer world with confidence and clarity? 

If you answered NO to any of above questions.

Let's change it to an enthusiastic Yes.

I am here to assist you feel mindful, clear, positive and calm.