Identify Your Personality

Identify Your Personality Course Online

A life changing course on upgrading your relationship with yourself and others. 

Understand your personality and of others.

Understand the secrets of behaviour pattern.

Learn to deal with others by understanding their emotional needs.

“Identify Your Personality” workshop is one of my most successful self-empowering workshops for connecting with oneself and others. Most of us at many parts of our life face the challenge of stress, fear, insecurities, hopelessness, confusion, and lack of trust in relationships. This workshop will equip you with the essential life skills to deal with these life issues and much more. 

We all are born with a particular kind of Svabhava or temperament. We all have our belief system, thought pattern, talents, emotional needs, strengths, and weaknesses. Various models in the world explain different personality types. And sometimes it gets complicated and confusing. But in this workshop of just 4 hrs, Not only will you learn about your strengths, weaknesses, and emotional needs, You will also learn about others. 

By knowing this elementary science of personalities, you will learn how to deal with yourself and others. By the end of this workshop, you will be aware of both your strengths and weaknesses. You will also develop a different mindset towards yourself and others based on people’s different emotional needs.By knowing our and others’ strengths, weaknesses, and emotional needs, we can work ourselves more efficiently and can have much better relationships at our home and our workplace. 

This 4 hrs live online course will be conducted live online. Live interaction with participants will make you absorb the content and apply in your life.